Identification |
Official Latin term | lobus renalis |
Official subsidiary term | lobe of kidney |
Entity identifier | TAH:E3054 |
Type of entity | pset generator |
Materiality | material |
Navigation |
Properties |
Type of entity | generic material single entity |
Unit type | pair set unit |
Generator |
This entity is generator of a set.
Specificity |
This entity is generic
Materiality |
This entity concerns a material object
Dimension |
This entity has 3 dimensions
Latin terms |
Official term |
lobus renalis
Term status |
Universal term
Generic pair set (display) |
lobi renales
Generic pair set (formal) |
classis loborum renalium
Specific pair set (display) |
lobi renales (par)
Specific pair set (formal) |
par classium loborum renalium
Left set (display) |
lobi renales sinistri
Left set (formal) |
classis loborum renalium sinistrorum
Internal term |
lobi renales
TA98 main Latin term |
a08.1.01.014 lobi renales
English terms |
Official term |
lobe of kidney
Term status |
Universal term
Generic pair set (display) |
lobes of kidney
Generic pair set (formal) |
set of lobes of kidney
Specific pair set (display) |
lobes of kidney (pair)
Specific pair set (formal) |
par of sets of lobes of kidney
Left set (display) |
lobes of left kidney
Left set (formal) |
set of left lobes of left kidney
TA98 English equivalent |
a08.1.01.014 kidney lobes
Related term |
renal lobes
Partonomy |
TAH3054 |
lobus renalis
TAH49975 |
TAH49978 |
TAH49981 |
TAH49991 |
TAH49995 | |
TAH49998 |
TAH50006 |
TAH50009 | |
TAH50012 |
TAH50162 | |
TAH50165 |
TAH50168 |
TAH50171 | |
TAH50174 |
TAH50178 |
Total |
17 children
Taxonomy |
Help on colors |
FMA:62955 | |
FMA:61775 | |
FMA:67165 | |
FMA:305751 | |
FMA:67135 | |
FMA:82472 | |
FMA:14065 | |
FMA:82478 | |
FMA:45728 | |
TAH:E3054 |
lobus renalis
Date: 25.10.2023 |